Sunday, 8 March 2009

Jesus says "pay your taxes"

Welcome to fucked up country. We were going to call it that, but we settled on Britain instead. Or is it the United Kingdom, or should I just be talking about England, and have an entirely different point of view when it comes to Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. I don’t know. Nothing is clear. Where ever this is there is one thing for certain, here, nothing makes sense. It’s a topsy turvy land where being backwards is the way forward. A land where we are taxed heavily every time we drink alcohol, only to have that tax spent on ridiculous infomercials telling us not to drink. Drugs are bad. By bad I obviously mean not taxable. And when I say drugs I am of course referring to all drugs in an all encompassing statement as is the fashion amongst politicians and media types. Because as we are all aware thanks to the constant bombardment from finger wagging nonsense spreaders, there is absolutely no difference between cannabis and heroin.

Leaders and decision makers here often hold religious beliefs, sometimes genuine beliefs, sometimes pretend beliefs for marketing reasons. When attempting to manipulate the god fearing section of society, it makes sense to portray yourself as sharing their beliefs, even if you don’t. ‘Votes is votes’ as the saying that I just made up goes. But I am baffled by the contradictions which arise when politics meets religion. I’m not necessarily surprised by them, as where there is religion, there are contradictions. But it does confuse me how a person can on the one hand believe earth and all it’s wonderful content of animals, plants, washing machines, indigestion and toilet duck was created by the all knowing, one true god, and on the other hand, vote to have the cannabis plant, one of gods amazing creations, made illegal. What sort of statement is that making? Surely the politicians don’t think that they know better than god? Tony Blair finds himself in an interesting juxtaposition having played a part in promoting equal rights for homosexuals, only to convert to Catholicism immediately after stepping down as war, sorry, I meant to say Prime Minister then, I get confused sometimes. Now I don’t know a lot about Catholicism, but one of the few things I do know is that Catholics have quite specific rules and views when it comes to homosexuality. But of course, whether a politician is very much in favour of equal rights or a complete homophobe is irrelevant. All that matters is saying enough media friendly sound bites to back up whatever fake opinion will keep them in power.

And that is where the best example lays of how in this country up is down, left is right and talentless is talented. Rather than politicians working for us their employers, they actually believe, you’ll like this one, they actually believe that they are in charge of us. I know. Can you believe that? I’m not making this up. Somewhere along the line everything became distorted. These complete and utter shits seem to think that they have a superior intellect to the rest of us and we need protecting from ourselves, because god only knows what kind of capers we’d get up to if it weren’t for the government protecting us by eradicating our basic human rights. Politics and religion may not mix, but there is an undeniable similarity between them, in the sense that there is no evidence to support the existence of god, just as there is no evidence to support the theory that we are all better off by allowing the lowest human scum imaginable to increasingly control our every move.

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