Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Negative Creep

People who don’t get angry should be punched into a paste. Don’t you fuckers realise it’s the people who get riled up, the ones who give a shit about how fucking rubbish things are, that actually change things. It’s the people who shout fucking NO whenever some arse-faced son-of-a-bitch bureaucrat introduces a new bullshit excuse for the eradication of our fucking rights, who help prevent massive cunts controlling our every move, or at least more than they bastard-ing already bleeding fucking do.

Yes, yes shitting YES! I fully understand that having a giant rant in the middle of the night whilst clearly drunk isn’t a “good” idea. Yeah, yeah shut up! I don’t care what you think. Whatever you think is wrong. Yeah, you heard me, or read me or whatever. I’m having a rant. Yes I’m pissed and yes I’m characteristically angry, and YES, this is a self indulgent, uninteresting to anyone but me, repetitive, un-original, nonsensical whine about things which I deem important to myself. So now that we’ve cleared that up. Now that we’re all clear about where we stand, I’ll get started.

Point one. FUCK OFF. Fuck off anyone who doesn’t have a problem with the way things are. With the government, with the strangle hold huge corporations have over us, with the mundane routine we have to tolerate on a daily basis to appease the dick-faced arses whom devised this ludicrous bastardised capitalist culture which we all accept as if it were devised out of evolution rather than fucking cynical design. You are the problem. Your complacency over massive issues is what fuels the massively corrupt, class divided system which controls and oppresses us the real people every day. I say “real people” because the ones at the top, the scum, the controllers, they can’t be real. They just can’t. It surely isn’t possible for such utter cretins to exist in reality.

Point two. ....ah fuck points! I’m sick of this shit already. I can’t even be arsed to fucking educate you fucking morons about why you’re the shite that clogs the revolutionary machine.

It’s very simple. If you’re one of those optimists who like to put a positive spin on everything and ignore the stark reality of life, then you are no fucking use to anybody. Your entire ethos is to have positive things happen to you. It’s a bit like being a hedonist without the added bonus of actually being a fun person to be around. The reality is shit happens. It happens all of the time, to everyone. Some of the shit is caused by nature, most of it is caused by cocks. Now this is the important point, so pay attention all you positive thinking twats. The reason that life is bearable isn’t because you had positive energy flowing throw your motherfucking aura, it’s because the right thinking realists made a concerted effort to prevent the scum (government) from making it any worse than it already is.

That’s it. That’s the point. Things don’t happen because you wish for them to happen. Things don’t change for the better because you didn’t focus on the negative aspects of life. Things improve because people make them improve, instead of hiding behind some bullshit way of life that involves dissolving all responsibility for your own surroundings and focusing purely on yourself.

So in conclusion, complain about everything. Moan, snipe, rant and be a huge pain in the arse of every authority figure you can think of, because if you don’t, maybe no-one else will. Maybe everyone will focus on the good. Maybe we’ll all look on the bright side and think positively. And the scum will continue to eradicate our freedom.